Stem Cell Treatment for Childhood Autism - A New Effective Method

In the 21st century, autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have become diagnosed many times more often than they were just a few decades ago
What causes autism?
Diagnosis of autism: signs and symptoms in children
The effectiveness of stem cells in the treatment of autism

In the 21st century, autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have become diagnosed many times more often than they were just a few decades ago. According to the World Health Organization, currently about 1% of children in the world suffer from some form of autism. Autistic disorders have not been studied well enough, and millions of children and their parents need qualified help. One of the most progressive and promising methods today is the treatment of autism with stem cells, also known as cell therapy or stem cell transplantation. Read about it here

Autism is a consequence of a failure in brain development. Usually, this type of disorder makes itself known at an early age. Children with autistic disorders interact poorly with other people, the outside world, practically do not make physical and visual contact, and are prone to "fixating" on monotonous repetitive processes, actions, and rituals. Autism is diagnosed in approximately 77 children out of 10,000. 

What causes autism?

Scientists have not yet given an exact answer to the question that worries many - what causes autism. But factors have been identified that, individually or in combination, trigger the mechanism of the disease.

These include:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Infections suffered during pregnancy;
  • The presence of concomitant diseases, in particular cerebral palsy;
  • Metabolic disorders in the mother;
  • Genetic abnormalities;
  • Consequences of pregnancy and childbirth pathologies;

The influence of environmental factors: ecology, contact with chemicals during pregnancy, drug intoxication of the mother, stress, as well as a number of other factors that affect the body.

Diagnosis of autism: signs and symptoms in children

How to determine that a child has autism?

A number of key signs characterizing ASD are distinguished:

  • communication difficulties;
  • repetitive, "fixated" behavior;
  • imagination problems.
  • Indirect or explicit signs and symptoms of autism in practice are varied and individual in nature.

The most common symptoms are:

  • impaired interaction with others;
  • avoidance of eye contact;
  • minimal use of gestures in communication, unexpressed facial expressions;
  • speech disorders or complete absence;
  • echolalia or uncontrolled repetition of the same words;
  • craving for repetitive monotonous actions;
  • following a strict routine, rituals in everyday life.

The effectiveness of stem cells in the treatment of autism

A cure for autism has not yet been invented. But a certain breakthrough in this direction has nevertheless been outlined - the future belongs to cell therapy. In many countries of the world (Russia, China, USA, Georgia, Germany and others), based on the results of successful studies, methods of treating autism with stem cells are actively used. The methods are based on the ability of stem cells to normalize the functioning of the human immune system and restore damaged brain functions.

Scientists have repeatedly proven the positive effect of stem cells on the functioning of the brain.

Stem cells:

  • help cope with the lack of blood supply to the brain, and also reduce the effects of hypoxia, which leads to an overall improvement in metabolic processes in the brain and the regeneration of its nerve tissue and cells;
  • improve control of immune processes in the brain at the molecular level, preventing neuroinflammation (inflammation of the nervous tissue of the brain inherent in autism);
  • promote the regeneration of neurons, the formation of new blood vessels, improved blood circulation, circulation;
  • restore neurological functions of the brain, and, as a result, increase the cognitive abilities of the autistic person.

16 августа 2024, 19:41 | Просмотры: 51

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